mardi 14 juillet 2009

Dois-je quitter mon job high tech pour partir en tournée ?

Un lecteur de Lille nous soumet cette question fort difficile mais intéressante...

La violoncelliste Zoe Keating y répond magnifiquement bien, en 5 min et quelques slides.

En résumé, forcément ya moins de thune à gagner, c'est pas tous les jours facile, beaucoup de voyages, peu de temps libre, pas facile pour les couple, beaucoup d'alcool, peu d'intimité... Dis donc, c'est pas très rock'n'roll tout ça !
Pour elle, le truc pour vivre de la musique ? Devenir compositeur.

Attention, c'est un avis à elle, c'est bon à prendre, mais consultez d'autres personnes aussi ! En plus, c'est un peu "Fais ce que je dit, pas ce que je fais", j'aime pas trop ça ! [Edit : dans les commentaires de sa vidéo, elle ajoute qu'elle ne le ferais pas si elle n'adorait pas ça. Elle a juste pas eu le temps de le dire. Elle adore ça]

Mais il y a quand même ce besoin impérieux et inexplicable de partir... Le mot de la fin pour moi ? Dead Can Dance : The carnival is over.

They are driven by a strange desire
Unseen by the human eye
Someone is calling.


2 Commentaires. Cliquer ici pour en écrire un !:

Jacqueline van Bierk a dit…

In a way, funny and true however, speaking for myself, our last two month tour was the Best time in my life as of yet. Nothing like meeting new fans and friends, exploring new cities, creating new relationships with clubs and living your dream, doing what you love.

There’s a ton of planning involved in touring but when done right can be very very enlightening and empowering. Look for a job that allows you to tour a few months every year. Look for a job that doesn;t require you to be there, something you can do online. NEVER EVER GIVE UP YOUR DREAM AND VISION!

zoecello a dit…

Here is one of those dreadfully embarrassing l “let me explain!” comments from the subject of the blog…

I think it is funny that everyone is taking this so seriously.

This presentation is humor, and horribly generalist by nature. However, it is mostly true. People always talk to me about how they fantasize about quitting their jobs to go on tour. So, the goal of Ignite being “tell us something we don’t know”, I thought it would be a fun presentation to point aspects of tour life that people outside the biz don’t necessarily know. i.e. it ain’t all fun and games.

Given that the Ignite format only gives you 5 minutes, there is a tendency to say blanket statements for effect because you don’t have any time for detailed explanation.

One of those blanket statements was

“the parts of America we live in West County to avoid”

You’re right, that does sound horribly snobby! But let me explain. By that I mean strip development along this nation’s interstate highways. If you’ve ever been on a breakneck tour of America you know what I mean: truck stops, fast food restaurants and motel clusters around interchanges. THAT is the part of America I am talking about. I love small towns. I love most of Ohio. I love the South. I do not love identical chain-filled strip developments at interstate exits. I do live on the coast north of San Francisco so I don’t have to see that stuff when I’m not on tour. It really bums me out. If that makes me a snob, so be it. I’m guilty.

Gosh, there are so many even more juicy, humorous aspects of this subject that I didn’t even get to. I need 10 minutes next time!

I also never got a chance to say: even with all that crap, I would not keep doing this unless I totally love it! I love it!


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